Ways to Support
It all helps! Our successes are community successes. You are making a difference for each and every person that comes through our nonprofit
program, as well as making a huge community impact. Please use the box below to make your donation.
Dillon's Community Rewards makes fund-raising easy, all you have to do is shop at Dillon's and swipe your Plus Shopper's Card! - CLICK HERE to enroll.
New Beginnings is a Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO). We combine building with social solutions to difficult problems. Invest in building projects as a social investor. If you are interested in being a partner in our affordable housing development contact Shara Gonzales shara@newbeginnings-inc.org or 620.663.2200 ext 300
It takes a community of staff and volunteers to provide shelter, food and resources at New Beginnings. If you want to show your heart and give your time, here is how you can help.
The New Beginnings Inc. Outreach
Click Here to Volunteer
Hours: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday until March 31st. Special hours until the end of 2020 due to holidays. Help needed to hand out free clothing, and general shop help.
800 S. Main
10:00 am – 3:00 pm.